The pan-European consortium consists of National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) in Finland, the University of Florence (UniFi) in Italy, and the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) in North Macedonia. KAVI coordinates the project.
National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) is a Finnish state institution under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture. KAVI’s Department for Media Education and Audiovisual Media is by legal obligation responsible for the promotion of media education, the supervision of the classification and provision of audiovisual programmes and the development of a safer media environment for children. Coordination and promotion of media education, awareness raising, and development of a safer media environment relies on partnerships with other authorities, higher education institutions, NGOs and private companies. The duties regarding media education also include research, which keeps KAVI in close cooperation with researchers and provides the organisation with latest information regarding children and media. Main target groups of KAVIs media education work are teachers and other professional educators as well as policy makers and developers.
The Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) is an academic, nonprofit institution and a leading research organisation in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations, and corporate communications in Skopje, North Macedonia. ICS offers master’s degrees in strategic communications, media management and multimedia. ICS is at the forefront of promoting media literacy among citizens in collaboration with media, civil society organisations, academic and public institutions. It provides information, in-class and online educational courses and resources, and opportunities for effective and responsible use of media by all stakeholders. ICS introduced traditional annual activities and events, such as an awareness-raising campaign Fake News Week and a Media Literacy Day, during which it organises online quizzes, informal thematic meetings among digital professionals, webinars, familiarisation visits to media outlets for highschool students from across the country, “Find the News” workshops for high-school students, journalism students, pensioners, women rights activists, etc.
The University of Florence (UniFi) is an important and influential centre for research and higher training in Italy. It offers a wide range of study programmes at various levels and in all areas of knowledge. The Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology (FORLILPSI) at UniFi is made up of about 50 scholars, including full and associate professors, assistant professors and researchers. In terms of research and knowledge production, particular interest is placed on individual, relational, social and environmental wellbeing; on building social, health and educational services based on cultural, legal and scientific evidence, and the emerging needs of civil society; on developing innovative approaches to teaching and learning with a particular focus on the use of digital media and the promotion of media and digital literacy; on supporting research and training in intercultural contexts to promote equity, social inclusion and democratic citizenship.